Simple Carbs versus Complex Carbs

It’s another verzuz battle on the smoothie blog. I want to help everyone understand the difference between the good and bad versions of the nutrients we are supposed to eat every day. What we humans need to survive are sources of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. This is where it gets tricky because of the lack of education provided to us, most of us have no idea which foods contain sufficient amounts of protein, carbs, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Water is a no brainer, yet most people still don’t drink enough of that every day. #stayhydrated On top of not knowing which foods contain which nutrients, nobody knows the difference between the good and the bad versions in which food. We just go through our days thinking because we stopped eating bread, started the keto diet, or ate 2 salads in a week you are somehow being healthy.


Let’s introduce good carbs.



Good is Complex when we are talking about carbohydrates. Removing carbs from your diet is not good for you. Your body needs carbohydrates because it turns it into fuel for your body. What makes a nutrient good versus bad is how it is digested into our bodies and if energy is released slowly to allow your body to process the nutrients in a natural way. You can find complex carbohydrates in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans. These items contain more energy that releases constantly without any peaks in the energy levels, and because of this these carbs have low risk in raising blood glucose levels and causing chronic disease.

Whole grains and good carbs can sound a little vague, so let me break it down so you know what to buy at the store.

  • Barley

  • Brown Rice

  • Buckwheat

  • Bulgur

  • Beans

  • Quinoa

  • Potatoes

  • Millet

  • Oatmeal

  • Popcorn

  • 100% Whole Wheat flour, bread, pasta, crackers

Basically stay away from anything made with white flour and white rice. White is not alright! When you eat complex carbs you will get better sources of essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The nutrient content is high and it will help you maintain good body weight.



Let’s talk about bad carbs.

Bad is Simple when we are explaining carbohydrates. Just like it sounds, bad carbs do the exact opposite as good carbs. They are poor in nutrients. They lack vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is digested quickly so energy is not released on a consistent basis, instead it decreases. Your blood glucose levels will increase rapidly because it is quickly absorbed in the body, and soon after you eat you will feel hungry and tired again. If we listen to our bodies, it tells you if what you just ate is good or bad. If we love our bodies we will only want what is best for it. Here are some examples of bad carbs you should stay away from.

  • Cane sugar

  • Soda

  • French Fries

  • White Bread

  • White Rice

  • Pasta (made with white flour)

  • Cakes /Desserts (made with white flour)

  • Biscuits

  • Processed Juices

  • Processed Foods

  • Cereal

  • Beer

  • Sweetened Yogurt

  • Candy

The key to a good diet is a true lifestyle change. You have to change the way you think when you buy food and choose the food you decide to eat. The misconception is that you have to exclude an entire food group from your diet to be healthy. That is not true. You only need to pay attention to nutrition labels and choose alternative options that contain more good complex carbs than bad simple carbs. Educate yourself, your family, and your children so you can pass down generational habits that will promote healthy and nutrient rich eating habits. #loveyoself

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